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Good and Welfare Helping Hands

The CBI Good and Welfare Committee lends a helping hand to our members when they are ill, injured, in mourning, or have other needs.  This includes making phone calls to check in, visiting at home or in the hospital. sending food or meal gift cards, and other outreach. They also arrange for trees to be planted in Israel and in memory of those that passed.

These efforts are supported by cards sent out from The Good & Welfare Fund to any member or non-member for a nominal fee. Your card, designee, and its message will be included, as always, in our Menorah Newsletter. Simply contact Lori Aisenman at and she’ll take care of the rest.

Please also remember the Good and Welfare Committee the next time you consider making a meaningful donation to the shul.

For more information, contact Idelle Schwinder and Meryl Kutzin at

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785