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Hebrew School Registration 2024 - 2025
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* indicates a required field
Parent #1 name
Cell phone number
Home phone number
Email address
Parent #1 Hebrew name
Street address
Zip code
Parent #2 name
Cell phone number
Home phone number, if different from parent #1
Email address
Parent #2 Hebrew name
Street address (if different than parent #1)
Zip code
Would you like to be included in the Hebrew school telephone directory?
Please Select One
Photography releases:
I agree that photographs and videos taken during the course of Hebrew School classes or any other CBI activities that contain images of my child(ren) or other family member, may be used for publicity by Congregation B’nai Israel, and may be included in the local newspaper or on the temple’s website. Submitted photos of children never include the name(s) without parental consent.
Please Select One
I agree that photographs and videos taken during the course of Hebrew School classes or any other CBI activities that contain images of my child(ren) or other family member, may be posted on social media, including Facebook and Instagram.
Please Select One
Parent's typed name confirms answer.
Emergency contact information (if parents aren't available)
Contact #1 name
Cell phone number
Can your child go home with this person?
Please Select One
Relationship to child
Contact #2 name
Cell phone number
Can your child go home with this person?
Relationship to child
Contact #3 name
Cell phone number
Can your child go home with this person?
Relationship to child
Medical information
Doctor's name
Phone number
Medical insurance company
Member ID number
If emergency medical treatment is required, I authorize CBI’s employees to use their judgment in sending my child(ren) to the hospital or doctor. I understand that CBI will make efforts to notify me when such a situation occurs. Parent's typed name confirms answer.
Additional family information: Please list the name and age of all children, who will NOT be enrolled in this Hebrew School year who (1) will be enrolled in future years (this helps us plan ahead) or (2) are beyond Hebrew School age
Post bar/bat mitzvah student volunteer opportunities
Student name
Cell phone number
Volunteer on Tuesdays during Hebrew school
Volunteer on projects for the Principal
Temple involvement opportunities
The Hebrew school of Congregation B’nai Israel strongly encourages parents to be active in synagogue life. Your participation in the synagogue will help to teach your child the importance of being Jewish. We ask you to volunteer to assist in at least one area. Please check area(s) below in which you wish to volunteer. SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME!!
Class Parent - Assist in phone chain to contact families concerning emergency closings, class service reminders, etc.
Holiday Workshops - Set-up, food, general assistance.
Purim Carnival - Assist in preparing, set-up, running and dismantling of CBI’s annual Purim Carnival – Feb./March.
School Fundraisers - Assist in distribution and processing of fundraiser information – Fall and/or Spring.
Class Oneg, Kiddush and/or Shabbat Dinner - Assist in set-up and clean-up for your child’s class religious service on Friday night or Saturday morning or assist with the Shabbat dinner the night of the class religious service on Friday night.
Casual Shabbat Dinner - Assist in set-up and clean-up for casual Shabbat Dinner and Oneg. You will be contacted to see which casual Shabbat you are available to assist with.
Family Shabbat - Assist in the Family Shabbat service, Saturday mornings. You will be contacted to see which Family Shabbat you are available to assist with.
Tutor - Help by working one-on-one with students in areas of elementary Hebrew reading and singing prayers. Hebrew School graduates are also welcome to tutor.
I would like to become more active in the synagogue. Please contact me with information about other synagogue activities, such as Social Action Committee, Good and Welfare, etc.
Student #1
Full name
Hebrew name
Street address (if different than parent #1)
Zip code
Date of birth
Public school grade as of Sept. 2024
Hebrew school program
Please Select One
Prozdor (grades K-2; Sunday only; $615)
Two-Day (Grades 3-7 Sun & Tue: $1,000)
Prior religious school information -Temple / JCC Name, City, State and number of years attended:
Please list any medical conditions or allergies the principal and teachers should be aware of
List any medicines your child needs to take during Hebrew school hours
Please inform us of any other information that will help us provide your child with the best possible educational environment (i.e. learning disabilities, divorce, etc.).
Student #2
Full name
Hebrew name
Street address (if different than parent #1)
Zip code
Date of birth
Public school grade as of Sept. 2024
Hebrew school program
Please Select One
Prozdor (grades K-2; Sunday only; $615)
Two-Day (Grades 3-7 Sun & Tue: $1,000)
Prior religious school information -Temple / JCC Name, City, State and number of years attended:
Please list any medical conditions or allergies the principal and teachers should be aware of
List any medicines your child needs to take during Hebrew school hours
Please inform us of any other information that will help us provide your child with the best possible educational environment (i.e. learning disabilities, divorce, etc.).
Student #3
Full name
Hebrew name
Street address (if different than parent #1)
Zip code
Date of birth
Public school grade as of Sept. 2024
Hebrew school program
Please Select One
Prozdor (grades K-2; Sunday only; $615)
Two-Day (Grades 3-7 Sun & Tue: $1,000)
Prior religious school information -Temple / JCC Name, City, State and number of years attended:
Please list any medical conditions or allergies the principal and teachers should be aware of
List any medicines your child needs to take during Hebrew school hours
Please inform us of any other information that will help us provide your child with the best possible educational environment (i.e. learning disabilities, divorce, etc.).
Total due
Thank you for registering!
A deposit of $300/child is required upon submitting this form. Please click on "submit" below to be taken to Paypal, our credit card processor. You do not need a Paypal account to make a payment.
Tuition is subject to change and will be billed on July 1st. A $25 multi-child discount will be credited to your account if you are registering more than one student.
Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785